


iS-10 6700 NIR GC-IR Semiconductor Raman Microscope Liberary Smart accessory

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傅利葉轉換紅外線光譜儀 FT-IR


Thermo ECO/RS Semiconductor Wafer Analyzers

Features and Benefits :

ECOR 2000 Semiconductor Wafer Analysis System


The ECO 2000 wafer analysis system from Nicolet uses a Fourier Transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer and OMNICR ECO software designed specifically to enhance the spectroscopic analysis of semiconductor wafers. A dynamically aligned, frictionless bearing interferometer system optimized for the mid-infrared functions as the heart of the device. The system produces multiple point measurements (profiling), referenced to either flats or notches, in transmission and reflectance modes using the pre-programmed SEMI standard patterns or a user-defined special pattern .

Features and Benefits :

Switches between reflectance and transmission measurements by software command

Offers spectral range of 4800-400 cm-1 for both transmission and reflectance spectroscopy

Features a single integrated Standard Mechanical InterFace (SMIF) mini-environment

Uses TeflonR-coated vacuum holds for all wafer handling



規格 :


Range : 0.4-40.0 ppm


Range : 0.4-10.0 ppm