


傅利葉轉換紅外線光譜儀 FT-IR

for: Thermo Nicolet Perkin-Elmer Varian(Digilab) Bio-Rad Bucker Bomem Jasco Shimadzu Mattson Horiba Midac

一般FT-IR 固體樣品之處理方式:

1. Nujol Oil 塗抹方式

2. 溶於溶劑中

3. 用油壓機及壓片模打成薄片

FT-IR 擴 散 反 射 裝 置

EasiDiff Diffuse Reflectance


Sample 不須打片,便可直接偵測


Praying Mantis Diffuse Reflectance

Two models available:

A. High Temperature, Low Pressure Reaction Chamber (HVC-DRP)

for operation from 10-6 torr to 2 or 3 atmospheres and high temperatures (up to 600°C under vacuum). Readily adapted for high-pressure operation with a high-pressure dome assembly. Use with the ZnS high-pressure dome (HVC-DWI-1) for operation to 500 psi.

B. Low Temperature Reaction Chamber (CHC-CHA)

for studies from high vacuum to 2 or 3 atmospheres and at temperatures from -150°C to 600°C (under vacuum).






Low Temperature reaction chamber
High Temperature reaction chamber
Specification of Praying Mantis
Specification of Reaction Chamber
Diffuse Reflection of Wyodak Coal a) after 24 hrs. of oxidation at 2.4KPa at 393°C, b) dried unoxidized samples, and c) the difference spectrum (a-b).
More Information

Plasma Cleaner

Cleaning optical, semiconductor, and other materials prior to coating or use in analytical equipment. Polymer surface modification Pretreatment of biomedical and dental materials for sterilization, increased wettablity, and bio-adhesion. Enhancing the adhesion of composite layers and improving wettability of channels for Lab-on-a-Chip and other micro-fluidic applications. Cleaning substrates prior to depositing Sol-Gel coatings. Improving glue adhesion for optical components, fiber optics, biomedical materials, aerospace and other applications Cleaning slides, samples and specimen stages in fluorescence and electron microscopy.
